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Vigtigt for dig der har et Nikon Z7 eller Z6

Nu får kameraerne bedre autofokus. Opdatér her.

Af / 21/05/2019 - 11:57
Vigtigt for dig der har et Nikon Z7 eller Z6

Det har ligget i kortene, at der skulle komme en firmware-opdatering til kameraerne. Da vi testede Nikon Z7 og Z6, klagede vi bl.a. over kameraernes manglende øjenkendelse og lidt haltende følgefokus på bevægelige motiver.

Nu er opdateringen klar, og firmwaren finder du i linket herunder. Nikon har tilføjet øjenbaseret autofokus, større fokusområde ved dårlige lysforhold og variabel eksponering også på seriebilleder med kontinuerlig høj hastighed.

Du kan opdatere kameraet ved at klikke på linket til Nikons download-center: https://downloadcenter.nikonimglib.com/

Fra Nikons pressemeddelelse (US):

Primary Features of the New Firmware

1. Eye-Detection autofocus (AF) for still-image shooting

The new firmware offers Eye-Detection AF functionality that automatically detects and focuses on human eyes when using the Auto-area AF mode in both AF-S and AF-C. When the eyes of multiple subjects are detected, the multi-selector or sub-selector can be used to select the eye upon which the camera should focus. This enables precise focus on the eye of the intended individual, even when looking through the Electronic Viewfinder. This function is applicable even when the subject’s face is partially covered by another object, or in the event when a subject is frequently changing their pose.


2. AF performance improvements in low-light situations

The new firmware enables even faster autofocusing when capturing photos and video in dark or dimly lit scenes, for both stills and video. It will extend the AF detection range*1 from −1 EV to −2 EV with the Z 7, and from −2 EV to −3.5 EV with the Z 6. In addition, the Z 6 will be able to autofocus with even darker scenes, as the available low-light AF detection range* will be extended** from −4 EV to −6 EV when the Low-light AF function is enabled.

3. Addition of auto-exposure (AE) tracking capability to the continuous high-speed (extended) mode

With earlier firmware versions, auto exposure (AE) was locked with the first shot in a burst of high-speed continuous shooting at approx. 9 fps (Z 7) or 12 fps (Z 6) in continuous high-speed (extended) mode. Firmware Ver. 2.0 adds support for AE tracking in continuous high-speed (extended) mode, allowing the cameras to track exposure just as it does focus (AF tracking). This helps to ensure that all images captured with a burst of high-speed continuous shooting are in focus and exhibit optimal exposure, even when the brightness of the scene changes.

* With still-image photography in AF-S mode, ISO 100, f/2.0 lens, at 20 °C

** The low-light AF detection range will remain the same with the Z 7

Lasse Svendsen
(f. 1965): Chefredaktør. Lasse har arbejdet for Lyd & Billede siden 1999. Han har også skrevet om foto for magasinet Fotografi og om hi-fi for Audio Video, ligesom han har erfaring som biljournalist fra bladet Drive. Det hele startede i 1980 med en Garrard-pladespiller, en Tandberg-receiver og et par Jamo-højttalere. Lasse har desuden stor erfaring fra hi-fi-branchen og skriver i dag mest om foto, hi-fi, computere og lyd, men også om biler.

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