Til efteråret kan iPhone-brugere forny deres telefon med et helt nyt operativsystem. Her kommer iOS 13 med nyt design, mørk tilstand, flere kamerafunktioner, bedre og mere avancerede kort samt nyt login.
De fleste vil nok føle sig hjemme, for den grundlæggende brugeroplevelse vil være meget genkendelig, men der kommer mange nye funktioner.

Se dig omkring med 3D-visning i kort-app’en
Den nye Apple Kort-app kan se ud som på billedet ovenfor. Den er bygget op omkring en ny database, der giver bedre gadevisning, mere præcis information for gående og bredere vejdækning for kørende.
En helt ny “se dig omkring”-funktion skal sammen med 3D-billeder i høj opløsning give brugeren bedre gadevisning, og man kan samle og dele adresser til f.eks. restauranter, hoteller, forretninger og andre rejsemål. Steder kan også gemmes som favoritter, ligesom man kan på GPS-enheden i moderne biler.
Apple har opdaterede billedvisning, billedredigering samt kamerafunktionerne. Man kan swipe for at justere effekter, og de fleste redigeringsværktøjer kan også bruges på video. Billederne sorteres med avanceret maskinlæring, som skjuler kopier, men trækker de vigtigste billeder og begivenheder fra de sidste dage, måneder eller år frem.
Mere sikkert login
Der er også en ny og hurtigere måde at logge ind på apps og websteder på. Login til kontoer på sociale medier, skemaer, e-mail-adresser og adgangskoder erstattes af Apple ID.
På websites, der beder om ens e-mail-adresse, kan man vælge at holde sin e-mail skjult og i stedet dele en unik, tilfældig adresse.
Man kan også logge ind med Face ID eller Touch ID, og to-faktor autentifikation giver bedre sikkerhed for brugeren.

Fra pressemeddelelsen:
Additional iOS 13 Features
- Reminders has a new look and offers intelligent ways to create and edit reminders, with more ways to organize and keep track of them. The quick toolbar makes it easier to add times, dates, locations and flags, or add attachments. With deeper integration with Messages, it’s easy to tag someone in a reminder so that it surfaces when the user messages with that person.
- Messages can automatically share a user’s name and photo, or customized Memoji or Animoji, to easily identify who is in the Messages thread. Memoji are automatically made into sticker packs built into the iOS keyboard, so they can be used in Messages, Mail and other apps. Memoji also feature new hairstyles, headwear, makeup, piercings and accessories.
- Siri has a new, more natural voice, and Siri Shortcuts now supports Suggested Automations that provide personalized routines for things like heading to work or going to the gym.
- CarPlay gets its biggest update ever with a new Dashboard to view music, maps and more in a single view, a new Calendar app and Siri support for third-party navigation and audio apps.
- HomePod can distinguish voices from anyone in the home to deliver personal requests, including messages, music and more. Live radio gives Siri access to over 100,000 radio stations from iHeartRadio, radio.com and TuneIn, and a new sleep timer turns off music after a set amount of time. Handoff enables users to easily move music, podcasts or a phone call to HomePod when they arrive home.
- With AirPods, Siri can read incoming messages as soon as they arrive, from Messages or any SiriKit-enabled messaging app. A new audio sharing feature makes it easy to watch a movie or share a song with a friend by simply bringing a second pair close to iPhone or iPad.
- Voice Control provides a powerful new experience that enables users to operate their iPhone, iPad or Mac entirely by their voice. Using the latest Siri speech recognition technology, Voice Control gets even more accurate text transcription and editing.1
- Notes has a new Gallery View, more powerful collaboration with shared folders, new search tools and checklist options.
- QuickPath brings easy one-hand typing to the iOS keyboard by continuously swiping through the letters of a word.2
- Text Editing is enhanced, making scrolling documents, moving the cursor and selecting text faster and more accurate.
- Files app introduces the ability to share folders with iCloud Drive and access files from external storage devices like SD cards and USB flash drives.
- Health offers ways to monitor hearing health and brings new ways to track, visualize and predict a woman’s menstrual cycle.
- Location Services controls give users more choices for how they share location data with apps, including a new one-time location option and more information on when apps are using location in the background.
- Performance improvements make the entire system more responsive with faster Face ID unlock, and a new way to package iPhone apps on the App Store that reduces app download sizes by up to 50 percent, makes app updates over 60 percent smaller and results in apps launching up to twice as fast.
Medlemmer af Apples udviklerprogram kan downloade betaversioner af iOS 13 allerede i dag (developer.apple.com), mens offentlige betaversioner bliver tilgængelige for iOS-brugere senere denne måned på beta.apple.com.
iOS 13 kommer til efteråret, til iPhone 6s og nyere.
Du kan finde mere information på apple.com/ios/ios-13-preview